Tuesday, July 8, 2008


Your Humble Proprietor had a little trouble sleeping last night. He had left the windows open at his apartment when he left for work and came home to an oven. So late into the night, while the AC hummed furiously, YHP laid down on his futon and sweated.

He sweated and he thought about how much of a shithole myspace had become with it's unavoidable procession of ads and technical glitches and comely lasses obsessed with telling people about how to make money without even leaving the house climbing over themselves to be his friend.

He sweated and he thought about the livejournal account he created on a whim so many years ago. How he lost whole posts to the weird editing set-up. How it's been over-run with people working out their own kinks using Tranformers erotic fiction.

He laid and he sweated and he thought.

And as he drifted off into dreams, thought about building a place where he could share his thoughts on music and movies and television and sports. A place where he could keep people up to date with his goings on and current events. A place where he could pass on information about events and activities he enjoyed. A place where he could rant about perceived injustices and trends that bothered him. A place where he could share his dreams for the future and a place where he could create a dialog to bring people together and maybe show them that, despite their differences, they were valued and respected.

Then the next day he had some problems setting up a Facebook account so he threw something together on Blogger.

Much posting to come - including more pics and video from my trip to Branson, MO!


Todd Totale said...

Wonderful! Keep this joint up. You're good at it and are fairly handsome.

Churlita said...

Yea! I love your blog. I think I met you and Todd at the Dino Jr. show. I'm linking you. Kay?

Your Humble Proprietor said...

Sure thing. I'm a-linking you as well. LINKS FOR EVERYONE